Freddy Sanders
Tell us about you:
My name is Freddy Sanders. I enjoy spending my time doing anything that involves learning, personal development, culture, arts, soul music, travel and occasional thrill-seeking.
How I relate to activism/advocacy depends on the moment for me. What is the moment calling for? More importantly, what is the moment calling forth? What is the best and most effective use of my energy in this moment? These are questions I seek to live into with my advocacy.
How do you act to build the world you want to see?
My action begins from the context of who I’m being… Me being the change I want to see in the world. Also, being in inquiry and questioning of my own worldview. A Course in Miracles says, “Seek not how to change the world, but rather change your mind about it.” Acceptance is imperative to creativity.
What do you believe we’re collectively learning in 2020?
What a moment to be alive. This moment. We are living history right now. The new history books yet to be written will look back at the year 2020 as a critical turning point.
We will look back at this juncture as a time when we awakened to an unprecedented opportunity. An opportunity to finally SLOW DOWN, take a deeper look at ourselves, and admit as a collective that nearly every construct we’ve lived by is outdated, obsolete, and broken. Has been for quite some time. It took a series of events happening in succession to manifest this moment.
2020 will go down as the year of The Great Pause… AND… The Great Revelation that construct of “America” does not and has not fulfilled the promise of the ideals and creeds upon which it was created. When the collective accepts that and instead chooses courage over comfort, transformation is possible.
Contact Info: Instagram: woken_warriors; LinkedIn URL: